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A Reader of Fictions: Feature and Follow Friday (1)

A Reader of Fictions

Book Reviews for Just About Every Kind of Book

Friday, March 30, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday (1)

I've been pretty hesitant to join this meme, because I really don't like being forced to follow certain people, but I do like the idea of it. So I suspect I'll be participating only on some Fridays, when the blog being featured is one that I think I might like, based on their reviews, look, etc. Anyway, you can visit either of the host sites for more details. Here's a link to Alison Can Read. Now to this week's question:

Q: Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?

A: When I was younger, I used to sit down and just read books from cover to cover. That was, for the most part, a really good way to read and I miss it. However, college broke me. In college, I had to read a lot of really boring books for class (some of them I actually did read; some I pretended to read). Anyway, I came up with a great system, whereby I would trade myself a chapter of a fun book for a chapter of a boring book.

Now, though, I seem to be unable to go back to just reading one book at a time. I'm always reading at least two, because if I just have the one book and it turns out to be slow-going, I need something to keep me from slacking on my reading until it's done.

At one point, I was regularly reading 8 books at a time (two from NetGalley pre-pub, one from NG that had an overdue review, one from my personal collection, one from the library, one from the publisher for review...) I can't remember all of my categories right now, but suffice it to say that it was absurd and very slow. Now I generally have a main book and a secondary book, with the secondary covering my non-ARC/review copies.


Blogger Anne said...

I cannot imagine trying to read 8 books at a time! I am a definite one book at a time person. I love getting books from NetGalley too.

March 30, 2012 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger Patricia said...

I mostly read one book at a time, but mostly just because I read books in one sitting, so it's faster that way. *grin*

Patricia // My FF

March 30, 2012 at 11:38 AM  
Blogger Tarah Dunn said...

You're the first person I've found through the hop who reads more than one at a time! It's nice to see the other POV represented. New follower. Here’s my FF!

March 30, 2012 at 11:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Always look on the bright side of things- you can meet a lot of interesting people via this meme. I usually check the person's blog before I actually comment under FF, so I know who I'm following - I prefer YA book bloggers with similar taste. ;)

The award system is actually quite good, I use it for studying (one hour of studying for ten minutes of internet or stuff like that). ;)

I'm a new follower!

Here's my FF. ♥
Check my international giveaway!

March 30, 2012 at 12:27 PM  
Blogger Krista said...

Im a new follower! We have the same reading taste!

March 30, 2012 at 2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there :) just hopping through. I’m a new follower…

I’m a multi-book reader myself :)

Here is my choice...

Feature & Follow

March 31, 2012 at 6:26 AM  

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