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A Reader of Fictions: Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning to Start

A Reader of Fictions

Book Reviews for Just About Every Kind of Book

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning to Start

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Well, this is a top ten list I can accomplish easily enough considering that, as many books as I read, there are like four I've been failing to get to for everyone I read. Here are the top ten series that I'm so excited to read I've even started acquiring the books, but have yet to actually read. I've included the number of books in the series as known to-date.

1. Anna by Kendare Blake

Books in Series: 2

This is one of those series it seems like everyone has already read, and Blake's second series begins this year. I really want to catch up!

2. Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter

Books in Series: 6

This series looks like so much fun, and I've heard how hilarious it is from multiple people. Once I read this, it will be time to move on to Heist Society.
3. Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier

Books in Series: 6

I've been told by so many trusted friends that I will freaking love these books so hard. Not only that but the description suggests that they are super right. Unfortunately, the books are also long and my review pile is tall. However, I will get to these someday, because I want to read ALL of Marillier's books, and I've been told in no uncertain terms to start with these.

4. A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin

Books in Series: 7

Of course I want to read this series, because, hello, I really want to see the show, and I've been told it's best to read it first. Oh, and, of course, I've heard that the books are pretty much amazing, so there's that too. But, again, they're massive. Also, the series isn't done yet, which means I would forget what had happened waiting for the next books, so I probably won't read this for a while, sadly.

5. Damar by Robin McKinley

Books in Series: 2

Robin McKinley is one of those sort of classic YA authors, who wrote good YA before there was much. I read a few when I was a teen I think, but I don't remember them. I've heard this series, which starts with The Blue Sword is maybe her best, and so it needs to happen.

6. Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

Books in Series: 3

Full disclosure, I actually started this one and promptly DNFed a few years ago because I could not handle the dialect. However, I made it through Blood Red Road, and I've heard nothing but amazing things about Ness' writing, so I'm determined to read this series, even if it's a struggle at first.

7. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 

Books in Series: 3

Okay, so these are companion novels, and don't even have series info on GR, but, whatever, I will read them in order and one after the other, because why not. Also, I saw Stephanie Perkins at a signing this weekend, and she is super awesome and complimented my hair. On top of that, everyone has told me I will love these. 

8. Tatiana and Alexander by Paullina Simons

Books in Series: 3

Dude, the covers on this series are freaking gorgeous. Besides, historical fiction set in Russia? Yeah, I want that. I have a powerful need for that. And The Aussie Zombie vouches for its quality, which is enough for me.

9. The Queen's Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

Books in Series: 6

Wow. So I thought this series was over, but GR says there are two more books coming. Interesting. This is the favorite series of one of my best library school friends, and many bloggers have recommended it as well.

10. Fairyland by Catherynne M. Valente

Books in Series: 3

Freaking everyone loves Valente's series, and I want to be one of them. It sounds awesome, and like something I would enjoy. The first two are just sitting on my shelves waiting for me to get going.

If you think it's a crime I haven't read these and want me to get to them sooner, add them to my Sadie Hawkins Sunday list by filling out this brief form, where I read the books my readers suggest. ;) 



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy ASoIaF, The Bronze Horseman and Valente's Fairyland books! They're all fantastic =D Especially can't wait to get my hands on the second Fairyland book =)

Here's my top ten for this week =)

March 5, 2013 at 12:29 AM  
Blogger Tin said...

I have a Song of Fire and Ice on my list too!

I have all started these series but haven't finished them yet. Sevenwaters (book 1), The Thief(1-2), Anna and the French Kiss (book 1) and Chaos Walking(1-2). Some of the succeeding books in these series are in my TBR. All are awesome by the way and are definitely worth finishing. :D

March 5, 2013 at 1:15 AM  
Blogger Christina Reads YA said...

I will echo what everyone has told you about ANNA and Stephanie Perkins' series. Also what you said about Gallagher Girls. I actually haven't read the first two books - only the last three lol - but I found them (somewhat) light and fun, even if I didn't always know the character histories. (The somewhat is because the MC goes through some dark times and the character growth is really noticeable.)

Plus a song of fire and ice. Sigh, so many books to read, so little time.

March 5, 2013 at 1:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I really liked Anna dressed in Blood. I haven't read any Stephanie Perkins' series yet, but... I want to, and I have a few of them on my kindle just waiting for me to read them!
Great List!!
Beth | YA Vixens
Vixen's Top Ten!

March 5, 2013 at 2:40 AM  
Blogger Elena said...

Oooo I totally forgot to include Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter because they seem to be very funny books.

Yes, Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the boy next door are great reads :)

March 5, 2013 at 5:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have Game of Thrones in common. I have always thought about reading Anna and the French Kiss too.

March 5, 2013 at 7:31 AM  
Blogger Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

The Seven Waters series is SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. One of my favorites.
Anna, Fairyland, A song of fire and ice are three series I can't wait to read :)

Top 10 Tuesday - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

March 5, 2013 at 8:31 AM  
Blogger Dragana M. said...

I've got Sevenwaters, Chaos Walking, The Queen's Thief, Tatiana and Alexander on my tbr too. Hope we both get to them soon.
I read all books in A Song of Ice and Fire and my only advice is: wait for the next book. 'Dance in Dragons' ends in massive cliffhangers and it feels like it's just cut at the end, it does not have good ending like the rest of the books in series. So, yes the series is awesome but better wait. Of course you can also join the rest of us that are dying waiting for the sequel. ;)
I read Lola and skipped 'Anna and the French Kiss' and definitely it's better if you read them in order. Because Anna appears in Lola and I felt I would enjoy it even more if I knew her story. And yes it's the most original ya contemporary romance I read. Maybe only Easy is better, but I think it's more of a new adult...
Great list. I hope you will read them soon. :)

March 5, 2013 at 8:47 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Oh wow, I didn't know Gallagher Girls got so dark. That makes me even more excited to read them. :)

March 5, 2013 at 8:54 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I've heard that about Anna and the French Kiss, and I will certainly be reading them in order.

Sounds like waiting on A Song of Ice and Fire is a very good plan, so I'll do that, even though I REALLY want to read it.

March 5, 2013 at 9:03 AM  
Blogger Jenni said...

I really liked the Anna books, they were really fun and creepy. I also need to start the Gallagher Girls books and Anna and The French Kiss. I have all the books in both of the series but I have yet to read them. They both seem like really sweet, fun contemporaries so I think I would have to take each series in small doses but I think I will definitely enjoy them overall.

March 5, 2013 at 9:04 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I keep getting Anna & Anna and the French Kiss confused, because I was like "I don't think AatFK is creepy. I've heard this from no one. You're blowing my mind Jenni!" but then I realized.

March 5, 2013 at 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Song of Ice And Fire made my list too. I just read the Anna series at the beginning of the year, it was really good. You should definitely read them, they are quick and good reads.
Check out my TTT.

March 5, 2013 at 9:27 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

I just got the audio book for The Knife of Never Letting Go, I have heard great things about :)

Anna Dressed in Blood is on of my favorites, its a great two book series from a male POV. LOVED IT!

Great list, happy reading :)


Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

March 5, 2013 at 9:48 AM  
Blogger Aly said...

Ahhhh I need you to read Anna and the French Kiss. You need Etienne St. Clair in your life, plus if you hate it, I'd really want to hear your snark ;)


March 5, 2013 at 10:00 AM  
Blogger Amber (Books of Amber) said...

You haven't read Anna yet? WHAAAAAT. And I thought *I* was late to the party XD

I've been meaning to start Valente's series too. A good friend of mine loved it, and so my hopes for it are ridiculously high.

It took be a while to get into The Knife of Never Letting Go, but after the first few chapters I got used to the writing style and dialogue. I ended up loving it, although I have yet to continue on with that series. Oops.

March 5, 2013 at 10:12 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I'm always late to the party. And sometimes I come wearing completely the wrong outfit and the DJ stops the music. It's the worst.

Sometimes that does stop me from getting to these series. My hopes are so high it's almost doomed to fail and then everyone will hate me. PRESSURE.

Looking at other people's lists, I'm almost always like "yeah, I read the first one, but...the other ones...ooops." I quit on TKONLG on page two, I think, so I really didn't give it a fair chance. Haha.

March 5, 2013 at 10:18 AM  
Blogger Becky LeJeune said...

Sevenwaters and Song of Ice and Fire are awesome! I'm reading a Paulina Simons as we speak but have sadly not read any of the Tatiana & Alexander series as of yet (this one is supposed to be a prequel but I'm not sure how).

March 5, 2013 at 10:29 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Children of Liberty? Are you on the TLC tour? I'm reading that one pretty soon as well.

March 5, 2013 at 10:31 AM  
Blogger Giselle said...

OMG! You haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood yet? So good! The first book is good but the sequel is epic! I can't wait to see what you think of them! I've been meaning to read the Patrick Ness series too it sounds so up my alley and I hear it's great!

March 5, 2013 at 10:33 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I know, I know. I'm the worst. There are just so many books out there that are amazing.

March 5, 2013 at 10:33 AM  
Blogger Becky LeJeune said...

I am!

March 5, 2013 at 10:55 AM  
Blogger Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

It does take a bit to get used to the Chaos Walking series. The dialect and also, it is strange. lol But once I did, I loved the books! They are now one of my favorites. I hope you get a chance to revisit them. And Anna and the French Kiss! Great list. :)

My Top Ten

March 5, 2013 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger Renae @ Respiring Thoughts said...

1. Anna — good and entertaining, just don’t expect to be scared! Not scary at all.
2. Gallagher Girls — Agreed. I really need to read something by this author, though I’m probably going to try the Heist Society first.
3. Sevenwaters — YES. This was on my list too.
4. George R.R. Martin — Also, Martin is famous for saying he’s writing a book but then taking like 6 years to publish the next installment. And we’re supposedly two books from the finale, except he keeps adding on more books because his editor doesn’t know how to cut crap out of the manuscript. Yep.
6. Chaos Walking — I’ve heard good things about this, and it’s in Viewer’s Choice, so I will read it. Eventually.
7. Anna (#2) — SO. FLUFFY.
8. Tatiana and Alexander — Again, YES. This was also on my list.

March 5, 2013 at 11:33 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

1. I don't really expect to be scared, as books don't generally frighten me. A movie, though? I'm the biggest wimp ever.
2. I own more of this series, thus starting here.
4. Ah, well, I think the reason it took so long with Dance of Dragons was the editor dragging their feet. I think I remember hearing that somewhere.
6. Another Patrick Ness book is in mine three times. lol.
7. I can handle fluffy...sometimes.

March 5, 2013 at 11:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So many good ones! I loved Anna Dressed in Blood but I have yet to pick up the next installment... and Sevenwaters series is on my TBR list too! How did I forget this. Oh and Tatiana and Alexander. Gah. So many books, so little time. I really loved Cat Valente's books, they are so very fun. :)
My Top Ten Tuesday!

March 5, 2013 at 11:38 AM  
Blogger Loni said...

I have a similar problem, acquiring books in a series I haven't started yet. There are just so many great series out there!

March 5, 2013 at 12:02 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

I did read ANNA late last year and just thought they were okay.

I really want to read essentially your entire list! Except the first two Stephanie Perkins and SONG OF FIRE AND ICE books, since I already read those!

Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

March 5, 2013 at 12:05 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

You haven't read ANNA?! How is that even possible? And I decided I wasn't going to read Game of Thrones when I saw how many pages there were in the first one. Yikes!

March 5, 2013 at 12:28 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

I loved Anna Dressed In Blood and Girl of Nightmares. I have wanted to start the Gallagher Girls series. I got the first one on audiobook from the library, but at the time I couldn't get into it. I also have Anna and the French Kiss and haven't read it yet, but have been meaning to. Another one I need to read The Jessica Darling series!! I need more time in the day!! I have the entire series and haven't gotten to it.

March 5, 2013 at 12:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I LOVED Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door. They were such cute stories. Tatiana and Alexander made it to my list as well!

March 5, 2013 at 1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Song of Ice and Fire is a huuuge time commitment, but totally worth it - especially if you want to watch the show.

The Fairyland books are SO GOOD. So is Anna/Lola, but Fairyland has flying cats, so...

March 5, 2013 at 1:45 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

!! You haven't read The Chaos Walking trilogy and you call yourself a dystopian lover?! That would have been the perfect comeback apart from the fact I have also not read it. Fail.

Ohhhhhhh Tatiana & Alexander - my favouritest historical fiction ever *hugs it from afar*

If I was your book picker, I'd definitely vouch for Anna - I didn't love the second book as much, but the first was creeeeeeeeeepy!

March 5, 2013 at 2:10 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Hahaha, take that, Kat! It scared me, but since I made it through Blood Red Road, it really should be doable.

This is why I mentioned you!


March 5, 2013 at 2:14 PM  
Blogger Brandy said...

I've never read any Ally Carter books either. I need to get on that too.

I haven't read The Blue Sword because The Hero and the Crown, which I read first, caused too much rage that I haven't been able to get past.

You need to read The Queen's Thief series NOW. :) And don't worry the other two aren't out yet-they won't be for YEARS because MWT takes her time and it's worth it. She does know how to end a book with a proper ending to make up for it though.

March 5, 2013 at 3:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I beg for all that is holy, read the Gallagher Girls. Please.


Okay, I'll stop now. I agree with most of the rest of your list and hope we both start reading these series!


March 5, 2013 at 5:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sevenwaters and The Queen's thief series made my list too:)

Anna and the French Kiss is awesome, silly title and all. I don't think I have ever heard anyone say anything bad about it, the characters are all awesome and it's very swoony:)

I loved The Blue Sword, and liked the Hero and the Crown too, though not as much as the former. McKinley is a fabulous writer and I think fantasy is where she really shines.

And I read The Knife of Letting Go but haven't been able to pick up the rest of the series just yet. It's a GREAT book, but gut-wrenching. But I have some blog friends who absolutely ADORE that series:)

Good list, Christina!

March 5, 2013 at 5:26 PM  
Blogger Rina said...

I've got Queen's Thief on my list as well! Blue Sword is a great book, I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Faryland sounds like a good series, I've seen it around and should probably add it to my GR shelf. Here's my TTT.

March 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM  
Blogger Shelver506 said...

You're killing me. KIIIIIIIILLIIIIIIIIIIIING MEEEEEEEEEEE. Please read The Queen's Thief before I keel over on the spot.

Also, I hope you'll love Gallagher Girls. They get a little repetitive in the middle, but WOWZA. Books 4 and 5 especially are incredible.

My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2013/03/top-10-tuesday-series-id-like-to-start.html

March 5, 2013 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah(Sarahandherbookshelves) said...

You have to read Anna, Game of Thrones and The Chaos Walking Trilogy! They are all 5 star reads for me and they are amazing. I am honestly surprised you haven't read Anna yet tho!

I would love to hear your thoughts on all of these, especially the Juliet Marillier books, Ally Carter, Megan Whalen Turner and Paullina Simons books. These should all be put onto your Sadie Hawkins list!:)

March 5, 2013 at 8:20 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

There are so many fantasy series on everyone's lists today!!! Including mine for sure. In fact, I have Sevenwaters on my list as well! I just checked Daughter of the Forest out of the library, though, so I'm hoping to get that one started soon!
Also, PLEASE READ ANNA SOON. I love those books to the ends of the earth. I love them almost as much as I love A Song of Ice and Fire. J/K IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE. Anna is wonderful and swoony and I will push those books forever, but Game of Thrones?! SO SO GOOD. If I knew you better, I might hit you with a few threats right now, but since we're total strangers, I'll lay off. :-) I do hope you have the time to read them all soon, though!

March 5, 2013 at 8:25 PM  
Blogger Divergent Gryffindor said...

Gallagher is on my TBR, and Anna is really good! :D
Top 10 Tuesdays

March 5, 2013 at 9:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I feel like I really should give Stephanie Perkins' novels a try since everyone seems to think they're so darn cute! I also have been interested in reading the Tatiana and Alexander books just because they sound good. But please, PLEASE read Patrick Ness. The Chaos Walking series is one of my all time favourites!

March 5, 2013 at 10:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would encourage you to pick up GAME OF THRONES as soon as possible but then, I remember that it took the author 6 years to release the book. So, I guess you're safer/happier waiting. I really hope he doesn't do that again though. Not that I'd mind reading the series over and over again.
I want to pick up anything by Catherynne M. Valente, she sounds like my kind of author! I've been hesitant to pick up the Fairyland books (despite the amazing reviews), because it sounds a little like ALICE IN WONDERLAND which I can't deal with. But I will get around to it, most likely after reading something else of Valente's first!
I adore Stephanie Perkins and I will read anything she writes. Those books are not for anyone who hates romance though.

March 6, 2013 at 12:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

****Took the author 6 years to release the LATEST book.

March 6, 2013 at 12:47 AM  
Blogger Bewitched reader said...

OMG! You should totally start reading this trilogy first!! The Bronze Horseman #1. And Tatiana and Alexander is book 2 and The Summer Garden is book 3. I read this series and I could not put it down!!! This book is so good, well its more than good. It will make you smile, it will break your heart and make you cry but the romance! and the unconditional love? wow! double wow! Now I want to read this series all over again! You HAVE to read this!! I would SO love to know what you think of it. Please read this series first!! *begging on my knees* lol

March 6, 2013 at 2:13 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Rage? Oh god, why?

I've heard that about her. I was just surprised, because I thought the fourth was the final one.

March 6, 2013 at 8:53 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I hope we do too!

March 6, 2013 at 8:57 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I think I have heard some bad things about Anna and the French Kiss, actually. Some people REALLY don't like St. Clair, but most people love it, and I hope to be one of those people.

Oh good that you liked the Damar books, because a previous commenter said they made her mad and I was concerned.

Ooh, gut-wrenching. LOVE IT.

March 6, 2013 at 8:59 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

A couple have made their way onto the list, so SOON!

March 6, 2013 at 9:09 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Probably because fantasy tends to be such a time commitment!

Haha, I heard there's a crazy cliffhanger at the end of A Dance with Dragons, though. I should probably wait until he's done, but they sounds SO GOOD!

March 6, 2013 at 9:10 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I hope to soon. I even have the first book in the series!

March 6, 2013 at 9:13 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Yeah, that right there is my dilemma with regards to GoT. Well, that and how long it is, which doesn't mesh with how tall my tbr pile is.

Interesting. Not a retelling fan? Or just don't like AiW?

March 6, 2013 at 9:14 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

The fact that it's completed is a major point in its favor! Well, since you put it in Sadie Hawkins' I'll definitely get there soon!

March 6, 2013 at 9:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Really? Who doesn't like St. Clair? I mean he's got some issues but he his adorable-ness totally overrides them in the end. Just sayin'...:)

March 6, 2013 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

I don't remember anyone specifically, but I've seen that. Some people thought he was a jerk.

March 6, 2013 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Game of Thrones YES. The TV show is good but does not do the book justice (obv). I loved Anna Dressed in Blood and Anna and the French Kiss. I also want to check out Sevenwaters, Chaos Walking, and now The Queen's Thief! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for stopping by our post!
Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

March 6, 2013 at 11:38 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

The Anna books have both been very popular today. :-p

March 6, 2013 at 12:54 PM  
Blogger Brandy said...

I have issues with some choices the heroine makes toward the end. I didn't like her from the beginning and the end just enraged me. Other people thinks she's awesome and wonderful though. You may end up loving it.

March 6, 2013 at 2:12 PM  
Blogger Blythe Harris said...

I'm not sure if you'll like Anna Dressed in Blood. I really enjoyed it, though, but haven't felt the motivation to pick up the sequel. Not sure if I'll ever get around to it. *sigh* And I've never read The Chaos Walking series NOR the Anna and the French Kiss series, so high five! *high fives* I feel like everywhere I go people are recommending those to me, so I reeeeeeally need to get to reading them. But I hate the new covers for AatFK.

March 7, 2013 at 6:17 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Hmmm, I've heard the sequel is better and worse, so who knows. I will let you know when I read Anna and if you haven't read it yet, I'm going to bully you into reading along!

March 7, 2013 at 9:26 AM  
Blogger Kara_Malinczak said...

So I bought a Lord of the Rings onmibus this year and I have to read that first, but after that, I have planned to start Game of Thrones as well. I am determined to read it because i have heard so many awesome things.

Umm but #10? You need to do that ASAP. I bought the second book and I haven't read it yet but I think you will really love this series.

March 7, 2013 at 9:32 AM  
Blogger Christina said...


I know. I need to read it. I even have books one and two. I just...*flails*

March 7, 2013 at 9:35 AM  

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