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A Reader of Fictions: Loving and Respecting Book Bloggers

A Reader of Fictions

Book Reviews for Just About Every Kind of Book

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Loving and Respecting Book Bloggers

When I first started out as a book blogger, I honestly had very little idea that there was a whole community around book reviewing. At the time, I wrote my reviews in a vacuum, assuming people would magically find my brilliance and that I didn't need to be involved or whatever. This was wrong.

I finally found the community when I gave in and joined Twitter about a year and a half after I start my blog. Much as I used to hate Twitter, I can no longer imagine my life without it. On Twitter and Goodreads and book blogs, I have found my kindred spirits, the Dianas to my Anne (though I think we're probably mostly Annes, allow me the metaphor). I've made the internet into a place filled with people who understand me, who care just as much about reading as I do, and who will never judge me for preferring to stay in on a Saturday night rather than going out partying. Though I've not met most of you in real life yet, so many of you have come to be what I consider true friends, with the only barrier being geography, but I'm so stoked to meet bunches of you at BEA this year.

Source: The Oatmeal

My motivation for writing up this post of love and admiration and group-hugging was actually a negative event, another blogger criticizing others for their view on a particular book, claiming that they willfully misunderstood an author's work for some ends of their own. I don't really want to get into that specifically at all. I just want to explain why doing things like that is silly, why loving and respecting one another is important.

There's No RIGHT Way to Read
Well, okay, if you're reading books printed in English, it's generally right to read the book from front to back, top to bottom, etc. Don't be a smart ass, okay? Believe me, I've already made those comments in my head. When it comes to a blogger book review, the only things that might be incorrect are factual. A misspelled character name or reference to a scene that didn't exist. Any opinion is just that: opinion. If a reader thinks a book is sexist or that a humor novel isn't funny, they're speaking to their own experience. While this is helpful and may save others with similar opinions, it's not meant to be issued from on high or to discount the experience of other readers. Such things are true facts for a particular person's experience, and to be respected as such. Accusations about the author are something else entirely, but rarely do I actually see reviews maligning an author, so let's not talk about that.

Exactly. That.

Quotes Are Out of Context
One criticism I've seen is that negative reviews take quotes out of context to make books look worse than they are, and that you can make any book look bad this way. This is, of course, true. Positive reviews do this too, and there's no outcry over that. Any quote taken from a book is out of context. Either be enraged by all quoting, or accept it all. Personally, I think quotes are great to see, even without context. Like with all those papers we wrote in school, in trying to explain our argument, we will use quotes that support and explain our analysis. That's not unfair; it's how this all works.

Invalidating Someone Else's Reviews Invalidates Your Own
Remember that whole thing about how people in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones? Yeah, that. Hurling abuse at other bloggers for not having the correct opinion or not understanding something leaves you open for similar criticisms. Odds are there have been books you have reviewed that other people saw brilliance in, which they may feel you haven't understood properly or looked at through the correct lens. Think about those books and how you would feel to have someone say you just weren't smart enough to get it or that you are biased against the author/book for no reason. That's probably not what was going on, so respect others enough to make the assumption they were coming from the same honest place.

We Do Not Need to Agree
No one's going to agree with your analysis of books a hundred percent of the time. Even my friends with the closest taste in books only end up rating books similarly 75-80% of the time. I can think of several occasions where I've been the only one I know to either love or hate a book, while everyone else felt the opposite. There's nothing wrong with that. The fact that my friends all didn't like Cayla's Kluver's Legacy trilogy does not mean I'm an idiot for really liking it. We're individuals, not cookie-cutters, so we're going to vary. This is why there can be so many book blogs and reviews for the same book without it feeling like we're reading the same review over and over and over again.

Don't be this guy, judging hypocritically.

One of my best blogger buddies, Renae of Respiring Thoughts, disagrees with me pretty much all of the time. If I love a book, it's really lucky to get even three stars from her. Books I loathed will charm her in ways I never could have anticipated. Am I thrilled to see a book that gave me all of the marvelous feels enrage her sensibilities? No, I wish she could have loved it too. However, does that mean that I think her opinion is worthless? HELL TO THE NO. Renae's a brilliant woman, and, even though we disagree more often than not, I love reading her reviews, which are always well-reasoned, even if her reasoning is different from mine.

I get that it's sad to see a book that touched your heart, one that was a very personal reading experience for you, ripped apart, but don't hate on the blogger for that. If you can't look past your own love for it and handle seeing the other view point, just move on. Go find a friend who loved it too, and discuss why it was a wonderful book for you too. Turn the experience into something positive for you.

If you can be calm, perhaps carry on a discussion with the blogger - this is actually how Jenni of Alluring Reads and I became so close, in discussing her passionately negative review of The DUFF by Kody Keplinger. If you're going to comment, remember to be positive, even in your arguing. Compliment them on astute observations you hadn't noticed yourself, thus showing that you're going into this with an open mind, rather than with a barrage of why their opinion is wrong. Remember, be clear about not begrudging their opinions and that you just would like to learn more about their interpretation, because words on the internet are easily misconstrued, since we lack tone and facial cues. Be very careful if they don't know you well. I've actually seen minds swayed in thoughtful open-minded discussions, which I think we all love. Hurling insults only cements minds in their own viewpoints, and will never work in your favor.

Don't berate and insult; discuss.

So, basically, I implore all of us to love and respect one another. We may not all read the same things and, even if we do, we might have completely opposite opinions about them, but we do all love books more than the average person. Be glad that the other person shares your love of reading, that to them books matter and they'll never ask you why you spend so much time reading with a disdainful expression. There are plenty of people out there who think reading is a stupid way to spend time, so we don't need to add to that. We KNOW how much it matters.

Treat other bloggers respectfully, the way you would like to be treated by them. When you put your review out there in the internet, you likely believe it has meaning, and others feel the same. Remember that there is no one correct summation. Even professional review publications disagree, so it's no surprise that we do, since we come to reading from even more variant backgrounds, I imagine. Love that diversity of opinion. Marvel at the way reading differs from individual to individual, at the way I look for well-developed characters above all and that another might squee over magnificent world building or the construction of truly gorgeous prose. We're passionate lovers of the written word, skilled in seeing through the eyes of others in our fictional journeys, so let's apply this empathy when looking at reviews that disagree with us. Let's make this community just as uplifting as I know it can be!

Group hug time!

MUAH! I love you all. Keep challenging me and being your wonderful, honest selves!



Blogger Audra said...

<3 this whole post. It makes me sad when I can't really discuss a book -- when 'reviewing' gets heated. You've seen first hand how bummed I was to get trashed by an author abt my reviewing -- I hate it when I can't have harmony with bloggers. Book lovers unite!

May 15, 2013 at 11:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love all the Friends gifs! What a way to warm the heart haha :)
But YES. Sometimes it's so hard because these are books we are so passionate about, but usually if I totally disagree with someone's review... I just don't comment. There are no rules that say you have to :P OR I also like when people DO say why they didn't enjoy the book and then like you and Renae (whose reviews I also really enjoy!!!), we discuss it in a respectful manner.
You said it perfectly -- Long story short, it all comes down to respecting other bloggers and other people's opinions. I KNOW people will disagree with me on a lot of things, but I trust that they'll respect what I have to say and I'll do the same for them.
Lovely post!! Hope to see lots of blogger love & comments on this one! :)

May 15, 2013 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger GillyB said...

*hugs back* Couldn't have said it better myself. All off this. And yes, we are all definitely Annes, aren't we? Which is why we occasionally disagree. We're all strong characters with our own opinions, and they're all valid.

May 15, 2013 at 11:27 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

Very awesomely said!

Everyone feeling exactly the same about a book? Never gonna happen and I for one am glad of it!

Being respectful of someone's opinions? NOT A HARD THING TO DO!

That whole - if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything bit? It really does work in real life.

If what someone thinks gives you icky feelings inside - don't ignore how you feel but don't spread the hate either.

Hating on someone because they hated something you love...I'm sure there's some type of cause and effect time warp loop we would all get sucked into if everyone did this :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!

May 15, 2013 at 11:29 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Agreed! We should all be friends, because we all share the same hobby and understand the passion. If it's too painful to read about someone else not loving it, walk away. I've done that if I'm too close to it. Making a stink over someone not liking a book is just silly and mean. Go find a review that makes you happy and think about that, rather than attacking, you know?

I'm sorry that author trashed you. That is NOT okay. There's no book that's universally loved. It's a fact of book life.

May 15, 2013 at 11:30 AM  
Blogger Ashleigh Paige said...

Are you secretly me, Christina? I started out the same way! It took me getting 10 pageviews in the first month (half were probably my own) to get me to branch out to Amazon and Goodreads. Same feelings about Twitter too until I joined last year.

I was completely lost about what was going on last night because I game in twenty minutes too late, but I know now and I'm disgusted with that person. If they want to call groupthink on the readers who disliked the book in question for the same reasons, she can do that with every book ever and every rating ever. Everyone who five-stars a book is in their own groupthink, as is everyone who one-stars a book. THAT is some dystopian shit. Someone write a YA book about it. I'll buy it. They should know better not just as a reviewer but a a longtime professional.

Also, FUCK YEAH, Friends gifs.

May 15, 2013 at 11:43 AM  
Blogger Steph Sinclair said...

I completely agree with your post. There are a few books you and I disagree on, but I would never consider your opinion wrong. Even though I really dislike Twilight, I can still understand and respect those that do. Their opinions are just as valid as mine are. And really, criticizing each other is counterproductive to the cause.

May 15, 2013 at 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant post. I've never quite understood why so many people seem unable to accept different opinions about a book they love. Recently, I read a book and didn't like it one bit, but tons of other people loved it. If anything, I was more bummed I didn't like the book as opposed to wonder how anyone could like the book. We're all right in the end.

May 15, 2013 at 11:54 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Haha, yes, I decided Friends gifs would be rather apropos. Exactly. If I can't comment from a place of calmness, then I just don't comment.

Yes, it's all about respecting the opinions of others the way you would hope they would respect yours if it differs. I wouldn't want people to tell me I was wrong for not liking something, so I wouldn't do that to someone else. If they can point out some things I missed in a friendly, thoughtful way, then awesome. Rudeness helps no one!

May 15, 2013 at 11:56 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Now THAT is a high compliment. Also, Annes are the best. We may be ruled by our emotions, but we're intelligent enough to look past that if we take the time to think.

May 15, 2013 at 11:59 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Ooo good post! Yes to all accounts! I don't understand why bloggers berate other bloggers about reviews. My goodness, we're not all going to like the same things! And you can be friends anyway. (Hello, me and you never agree, but we still hang out! lol) And personally, I like reading negative reviews of books that I loved, because I'm curious to know what other people didn't like about it - it's thought-provoking and helps me figure out what I personally feel about the book, taking in different opinions on it.

I guess I just think it's silly when bloggers bash on each other. We're all on the same team, yo! Let's not start throwing punches at each other.

May 15, 2013 at 12:38 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

This post was brilliant!! I agree with you 100% Of course not everyone is going to like the same things. It doesn't mean anyone is in the wrong. It makes me upset when I see people making negative comments to someone because they didn't like a book they loved. We should all respect each others opinions and be nice to one another. All of us do this because we have a love for reading, it doesn't mean we all need to love the same thing.

Also, your gifs rock my face off!! <3

May 15, 2013 at 12:38 PM  
Blogger Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

Thank you so much for writing this! A couple days ago I decided I may need to write a post like this (I didn't) because it bugs me to no end when I see someone act like their opinion of a book is the only acceptable one. Everyone has a different reading experience and it should be accepted, not to be made as a reason to look down on those who disagree. :)

May 15, 2013 at 12:47 PM  
Blogger jarkin33 said...

Brilliant and wonderful post. I can't agree more with all of your points. Can we be friends now? LOL I continually have to remind myself that just because I love/hate something doesn't mean everyone else will too. It's hard but there is no reason to try and discredit someone else's opinion simply because it isn't in line with your own.

I did see the comments that brought this topic to light and I felt they were uncalled for, so thank you for posting this and reminding people that it's okay not to agree on something.

Great post!
jaime @ FIC FARE

May 15, 2013 at 12:51 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

What she said.

I think it's horrible to make someone feel bad for having a different opinion than you - and it IS possible to have a discussion about why a book that might not have worked for you could have worked for the other person without being arrogant or nasty. How freaking boring would it be if we all felt the same about books? Plus blogging would be kinda pointless if everything was the same.

And at worst, if you don't agree, just pretend you never saw it and keep your mouth, errrr, keyboard still - no one has the right to judge how someone else experiences a book.

May 15, 2013 at 1:15 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Me too! I mean, obvi I love fangirling over things with my besties, but I also love discussions and that everyone has their own opinions. I don't want everyone's opinions to be just like mine or I serve no purpose.

Really does work, especially in a context like the internet where you really don't need to be on a page if you don't like it. You can walk away without people even knowing you were there, unlike an in-person conversation.

Hahaha, great point! No need to put so many never-ending negative feelings out in the world!

May 15, 2013 at 1:16 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

YOU FIGURED IT OUT. All this time I've just been one of your alters! Didn't we also start our blogs like a month apart? Though I think you were blogging elsewhere before the YA Kitten, and blog elsewhere now, but still. lol.

I agree. Groupthink is a thing, and I'm sure it happens, but I don't think that applies here. I do also really hate the hypocrisy of accusations leveled at negative reviews that also apply plenty more to positive, flaily reviews, but no one cares if those might be dishonest. It's ridiculous. So, basically, take people at face value. If you don't think they're honest, don't give them pageviews, but let them do what they like. No need to tell them their opinion is worthless.

I think I need to watch Friends again. It has been too long.

May 15, 2013 at 1:22 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Twilight is a great example. Even within my own head, there are disagreements. I loved it when I first read it, but now it's not my thing. That's another good reason to be respectful. Opinions can change with time, so you might find that you even greatly disagree with yourself later. Ha, embarrassing if you made a stink about people having the wrong opinion on that particular book!

May 15, 2013 at 1:32 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Amen times a billion. There is this quote from Graffiti Moon that I wrote a whole post about where it talked about how looking at art on the wall js really a reflection of who we are and i so agree with this re: books how nobody can look at the same thing the same way because we all bring our experiences and values into things. This is why I can't understand the sorts of things I see where others treat others like their opinion or view of a book isn't ok. How can you expect to read it the same when all our lives are different? Likewise I believe that we all read differently. I am definitely a more emotional reader and go based on how I feel and connect. Yeah sometimes I do point out things with plot or more technical things but at sometimes I realize I ignore these things if a book makes me feel things or think a lot. Idk why I do it but I do. I definitely think why and how we read factors into our reviews as much as our experiences so I get pissy when I see this sort of crap happen. We aren't the same. We don't make the same life choices. We don't experience all the same things. And we bring all those things to the table and that's the scope in which we process books so stfu people!

May 15, 2013 at 1:33 PM  
Blogger Ashley @ The Bibliophile's Corner said...

I love this post! So much.

I don't understand why some people have to jump immediately to hate and bashing. Everyone has different opinions. That's what makes blogging so fun. You can see other people's opinions and sometimes see things a completely different way.

Wonderful, wonderful post.

May 15, 2013 at 1:37 PM  
Blogger Anachronist said...

I love your post. And your blog. So much great things in one place - it should be banned. ;)

May 15, 2013 at 1:42 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH. But really, I agree with your thoughts on this topic. We don't tend to agree on books a lot, AND THAT IS OKAY. That is what makes friendships awesome. I tend to be glad my blog is small because no one tends to pay attention to my crazy rambly thoughts.

May 15, 2013 at 1:42 PM  
Blogger Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

Thanks for writing this, Christina! being polite to other people, including authors and reviewers, should really be just common sense, nothing more. But as long as those situations keep happening, posts like this one need to happen too. For most of us, being respectful and avoiding drama is the only way to do things, but there are always bad apples.
You're right about one, most important thing of all: if we don't respect other reviewers' opinions, how can we expect other people to respect ours? And if they don't, there's really no point in doing what we do.
Thanks for sharing!

May 15, 2013 at 2:55 PM  
Blogger Faye M. said...

Amazing post, Christina. These are all true, all of it, each and every point. Some people just have to understand that everyone has an opinion and has the right to express it however they want to. Oftentimes, I get a bit sad when other people don't like that book I just gave 4-5 stars to, but that's okay, no hard feelings. Books are very personal things, and all our thoughts and experiences differ from one another. So I don't understand those that invalide other people's opinions just because they're different. That doesn't make any sense. And groupthink?... wow. I try to avoid people who make such a claim, honestly. It just depresses me.

Faye @ The Social Potato

May 15, 2013 at 3:05 PM  
Blogger Brandy said...

Like you I only joined Twitter for the book blogging community and can't imagine life without it now. I look at Facebook now and think, "Why am I even checking this anymore?"

This is a great post Christina, and as always it's like you peeked into my head.

May 15, 2013 at 3:22 PM  
Blogger April (BooksandWine) said...

Anyone who disagrees with me is a jackwagon, just saying. JK JK.

Anyways, I think that we all bring different experiences and insights to the table and that is a wonderful thing. How boring would book blogging be if we all felt the exact same way about books. Ew. I would hate that.

I also think that there's a tactful way to disagree with someone. And I mean, I've written reviews where I say, oh I have read reviews that say this but disagree because X Y Z and I personally do not think I come across as douchey, but then again I straddle the douchebag line a lot. So there is that.


I love all the FRIENDS GIFS, that's the show Tony and I are currently working our way through on DVD. We're on the season just after Vegas. Chandler is my favorite forever.

May 15, 2013 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Amen! I definitely couldn't have said it better myself! It's rare that I agree with everything a blogger posts but this is one of those occasions.

May 15, 2013 at 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FABULOUS POST! When a blogger goes out of their way to criticize another blogger's opinions, tastes, reading choices, review formats, etc., that's my cue to unfollow them.

Respectfully discussing and disagreeing is awesome (keyword RESPECTFUL), and in my opinion, kind of the point of it all. I love being exposed to differing opinions than my own, and discussing the book with the other motivated, passionate readers. But personal attacks are just so incredibly lame. I'm not sure what the inciting event was for this blog post, and I'm sure it would just make me mad to find out, but I'm thrilled that you wrote this post.

And the gifs! LOVE. :-)

May 15, 2013 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

I can't imagine ever dissing a fellow blogger just because they don't like a book I love, or praise a book that I found to be awful. I love that there are a million different opinions, if a review really bothers me I simply DON'T COMMENT. If a blogger truly offends my sensibilities (this did happen once) then I just unfollow them. Pretty simple.

We all love books. It's so awesome having friends that understand how much I love books. Last year, at BEA? It was my first time. I made tons of friends, and had dozens of bloggers looking for a copy of Odd Apocalypse for me (which a kindly Power Reader gave me because that's the only people who it was handed out too, and so I gave her my ticket to Mary Higgins Clark). It was heartwarming to be able to talk to people who were total strangers about the books we were most excited to read, the authors we wanted to meet, and the parties everyone was going to.

I'm going back to BEA this year because I have an awesome blogger friend who's letting me stay at her house (talk about trust!) and because as much as I love, love, love the books- the best part is the people. I get to spend a whole week with people that really get how important books are to me. I'm going to meet people this year, just like I did last year, who are going to be my friends by the beginning of June.

I would rather bend a book in half than attack a fellow book blogger's review. And trust me, bending books in half would probably kill a part of my soul. ;)

May 15, 2013 at 7:24 PM  
Blogger Lisa Mandina said...

Great post! I talk about this kind of thing all the time! When people criticize one of my favorite books, Twilight, it always upsets me. There are books I don't like, but I don't insult the people who like them. I think there are all kinds of things to read because there are all kinds of people, and that makes it great! I also prefer not to pick on others reviews. If I don't like it, I will either tell them why I disagree, or not comment at all. Like you, I love to have discussions even when I disagree. And I love the book blogger community, although at BEA last year, I was disappointed that a few I saw from Tweets were in the same area as I was, but I couldn't get them to ever meet with me. That made me sad.

May 15, 2013 at 9:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would love to leave you a long, rambling comment, but you know what? I'm just going to say I LOVE this post a WHOLE lot, and I really respect you for putting it out there, Christina. *joins in the group hug* We really need reminders like this of why we're all here. :)

Molli | Once Upon a Prologue

May 15, 2013 at 10:07 PM  
Blogger Nancy @ Tumbling Books said...

I love this! You did a great job with it! I hate getting negative (and mean) comments on my reviews from people who disagree with me. Like you said, it's totally fine if we disagree, just don't be nasty about it. Ugh... I wish everyone could read this! :)

May 15, 2013 at 10:25 PM  
Blogger Kara_Malinczak said...

I love this post and thank you for writing it. I don't know where i would be without you girls right now. Y'all are my family and I would go to war for each and every one of you. Let's hope it never comes to that.

May 16, 2013 at 12:14 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

Great post! So true. We just really have to respect each other, you know? I hate it when things get nasty. Fortunately I haven't had any issues with a fellow blogger, but it sucks when I read about them on other blogs.

White Sky Project

May 16, 2013 at 1:32 AM  
Blogger fakesteph said...

I love you and I love this post. Also, your cryptic tweets are way more clear now.

May 16, 2013 at 6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think we must have been separated at birth.

Except I'm Asian. Different father? Lol.

When I first started blogging, I thought I'd be able to magically gain a following by not doing anything except dishing out posts, too. In fact, it wasn't only until late last year (I started blogging early 2012) that I realized there was more to blogging than just reading, writing reviews, and waiting. The blogging community wouldn't be the blogging community it is today if its members didn't love or respect one another. Unfortunately, there seem to be too many trolls who just can't get that into their damn skulls. I guess the internet wouldn't be the internet without its trolls though, huh?

I know I only just came to know your blog (I know, right? It took me THIS long!), but here's to a good friendship! :D *sappy* Maybe we should have an online appreciate-a-blogger day. ;) Great post!

May 16, 2013 at 8:19 AM  
Blogger Jenni said...

This is a fabulous post, Christina. I think you tackled everything so well, it's sad that it needed to be tackled. I don't get what people get out of invalidating others feelings, there are no right or wrong opinions about a book only differing ones.

But you're wrong about The Duff. *runs away*

May 16, 2013 at 9:25 AM  
Blogger Lyn Kaye said...

Sharing on our page. This is one of the most upbeat and most sensible posts I have read about the negativity brewing in the book blogging community. Granted, it isn't as bad this year as it was last year (IMO), but it still irks me to see one blogger tear another blogger apart for such a silly thing.

May 16, 2013 at 8:26 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Where is the like button for this post?

Brilliantly put, Christina! Fortunately, my negative reviews are often met with the reaction you advocate - people who ask for clarification on a certain point, or who comment about why they enjoyed an aspect I disliked. It creates a great discourse, and it's one of the many reasons I continue to blog! If every review I posted was met with people determined to sway my opinion, I can't imagine I'd have stuck it out this long!

I still don't see why my brilliance doesn't bring about more people...why can't I just be a hermit who has millions of followers for showing her intelligence on occasion?!

May 16, 2013 at 9:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When I first started out as a book blogger, I honestly had very little idea that there was a whole community around book reviewing. At the time, I wrote my reviews in a vacuum, assuming people would magically find my brilliance and that I didn't need to be involved or whatever. This was wrong.

I finally found the community when I gave in and joined Twitter about a year and a half after I start my blog. Much as I used to hate Twitter, I can no longer imagine my life without it.

Story of my life.

I'm in the vacuum phase now, and I'm thinking about picking up Twitter. I guess I should.

Brilliant post!

Proudhorse @ http://proudhorsebooks.blogspot.nl/

May 17, 2013 at 11:31 AM  
Blogger Giselle said...

Fab post, doll! And a great reminder too because even if we do have the right intentions, sometimes our comments can be seen negatively even if we didn't mean to because drama makes people think bloggers are all like the one you mentioned. Like I'm always afraid to comment on a review and offer my opposite take on a book without them thinking I'm all like BITCH YOU WRONG! lol. I also often disagree with my closest fiends on books and I have a blast arguing the f*ck out of it with them (just ask Jenni --it gets pretty intense!) but it's always in good fun and kind of awesome to see someone else's completely different views on it-even if she is always wrong *snickers*. I'm also curious which blogger criticized others. I think that's kind of stupid to think that we will all understand and perceive a book's message/plot the same way. It doesn't make someone stupid if they didn't like a book because they didn't understand the point the author was trying to make. Plus sometimes it's the author's fault for not making it clear in the way she wrote the book, and the author or her friends get mad when we don't get it.

About the quotes out of context I agree, but I also disagree. I had someone actually mention that in my review of Sky on Fire just a couple days ago saying how in context the quotes I put in my review weren't bad. And while I understand her point and I agree that some of it was not as jarring when reading, those quotes STILL popped out at me--which is why I took the time to mark down the page so I could point them out in a review. So if in context (while reading) a quote pops out at you enough that you want to point it out in your review, there is a reason for it. I love quotes and snippets in reviews that shows the writing style. The best example is in September Girl reviews. Not only are they entertaining, there is NO WAY that in context, I would think those quotes are not all kinds of disturbing O_O

Oh well this is getting long and my supper is getting cold >.<

May 17, 2013 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger Giselle said...

Also, my blogging friends are the bestest! I think I'm closer to some of you than I am to my real life friends! haha. But really we just understand each other's passion and hobby. I do read a lot and no one understand this better than you girls! I also keep saying that the friends I have made while blogging is the best part of blogging!! <3

Love your face foreverz!

May 17, 2013 at 6:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love this post, Christina. I don't think I have anything else to add in my comment that hasn't already been said in other comments above. But I completely agree that we all won't love the same books as each other--even when it comes to "best blogger buddies". I happened to get one of my really good friends--a chick that I actually have never met in person, but we've been interacting through texts and phone for approx. 5 years now--into blogging recently and we don't even agree on all the same books all the time. It makes for good convo though! I think that's what makes the blogging community so great at interaction. :)

I've made many great friends the last year because of the blogging community. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. <3 <3

And the Friends gifs... You made my day with those as well. I needed this post to cheer me up today. Thanks.


May 17, 2013 at 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an Italian blogger and three times I closed my previous blogs because here everything is a competition.
Everyone ask you to follow and to comment their posts and blog but no one wants to do the same for you if you don't go aound for blog asking for followers.
Majority of people read your review only if you have collaboration with editors.
Now I have a tiny blog and very few followers, that read my posts with the same interest I read the posts of the blog I follow!
I post on my blog with love and my opinion is sincere.
I'm completely out from all the envy that lives among in the Italian bloggers. I like to share my opinion and know about other's.!
Thanks for this nice post!

May 18, 2013 at 7:44 PM  
Blogger The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

Love the Friends GIFS-total pick-me-up :) I love everything about this post especially the title. I originally thought it would be more about authors and but this is a good reminder to treat other bloggers well. I have struggled to comment on reviews where I vehemently disagree with their opinion but I hope that I've managed to be respectful while also conveying my opinion.

May 18, 2013 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger Trish @ Between My Lines said...

Great post *stands up and applauds*. We don't all need to like the same books, it would be boring if we did, there would be no need for so many different types. I love reading reviews from bloggers whose experiences differ to mine, I like their observations and I feel it in no way invalidates my review. Let's just support each other :-)

BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

May 19, 2013 at 3:28 PM  

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